EnThunder Games trademarks identify our products, and let the public know the source of those products. You may make fair use of our trademarks in advertising and promotional materials, and in referring to our products and services (for example, in a magazine article) without our permission, provided you follow standard trademark usage practices and provide proper attribution. Other uses require written permission from EnThunder Games Labs. Please make such requests by e-mail. We will evaluate your request as soon as possible.

In addition, you may not use Enthunder trademarks, whether design or word marks, in the following ways:

  • In a non-EnThunder Games product name or publication title.
  • In, as, or as part of your own trademarks.
  • To identify products or services that are not EnThunder Games's.
  • In a manner likely to cause confusion.
  • In a manner that implies inaccurately that we sponsor, endorse, or are otherwise connected with your own activities, products, and services.
  • In a manner that disparages EnThunder Games.

Software Legal Notices

All software and accompanying documentation made available for download from this web site is the copyrighted work of EnThunder Games Labs. Software and documentation ownership is retained by the EnThunder Games Labs. Ownership is not transferred to you; rather, you are licensed to use the software and documentation. The use of any such software or documentation is subject to the terms of a license agreement. Please read the license agreement that accompanies each product and indicate your agreement to those terms prior to installing. Additional information on downloading software is available on the download page.